Case Studies

PPM Brunei's Custom H2S Scavenger Skids for BSP

Learn how PPM Brunei successfully provided Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) with four custom-designed pump skids to safely and efficiently...
Published on
October 16, 2023

In the heart of Brunei Shell Petroleum's (BSP) East and West Asset facilities, PPM Brunei undertook a crucial assignment in 2022-2023. This project, named the "H2S Scavenger Skid Supply," aimed to tackle the mounting challenge of rising H2S levels within BSP's aging processes. The task at hand was formidable—delivering four fully monitored pump skids for the injection of H2S Scavenger.

The project presented several intricate challenges. Firstly, the skid design had to align with BSP's rigorous standards, which included the necessity of approved instrumentation to meet precise specifications. The level of adaptability came into play when the electrical specifications evolved during the process. PPM Brunei exhibited exceptional flexibility by swiftly evaluating these changes and reshaping the design to harmonise with the shifting requirements.

At the heart of the solution was a complex array of high-tech components. This included the use of Williams Air Driven pumps, Solenoid Valves, Pressure Transmitters, and Coriolis Flow Meters. These components enabled the skid to be seamlessly linked with the Distributed Control System (DCS), providing real-time monitoring capabilities. This not only ensured the precise injection of H2S Scavenger but also allowed for emergency shutdowns when necessary.

The key collaborators on this project were the end user, Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP), and the engineering group, Serikandi Oilfield Services. The diligence and expertise invested in the project paid off in early 2023 when PPM Brunei successfully delivered four meticulously designed and engineered skids to BSP. These skids were meticulously crafted to meet BSP standards and project specifications.

In conclusion, the "H2S Scavenger Skid Supply" project exemplifies PPM Brunei's commitment to surmounting complex challenges, meeting demanding standards, and integrating advanced technologies. Through effective collaboration with BSP and Serikandi Oilfield Services, the project culminated in the timely delivery of four fully compliant skids, reinforcing PPM Brunei's reputation for excellence.

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