Case Studies

Multi-Point Scale Inhibitor Injection Package

Contract to provide a multi-point scale inhibitor injection package for 9 wells in a major oil field. The project required the use of...
Published on
April 24, 2023

Precision Pumping & Metering specialises in advanced chemical injection systems for the oil and gas industry. Recently, we secured a contract to provide a multi-point scale inhibitor injection package for nine wells in a major oil field. This intricate project demanded the utilization of Yokogawa's Fluidcom valves with bi-directional monitoring and control.

As the client was transitioning their platform to unmanned operation, we encountered the challenge of designing and implementing a system that could autonomously and remotely inject scale inhibitors at multiple well points.

Our solution involved crafting a sophisticated system with nine injection points, each featuring Yokogawa's Fluidcom valves. We chose these valves for their precise control and bi-directional monitoring capabilities, ensuring the accurate and reliable injection of scale inhibitors.

The system was engineered to be fully automated, with each injection point seamlessly controlled by the platform's Distributed Control System (DCS). The DCS facilitated real-time monitoring and control of the injection process, guaranteeing the accurate injection of the inhibitors at each point to effectively prevent scaling issues.

The resulting multi-point scale inhibitor injection package has proven highly effective. The use of Yokogawa's Fluidcom valves with bi-directional monitoring and control provided precise control and dependable operation, substantially reducing scale build-up and maintenance costs. This enhanced the overall efficiency of the wells.

PPM continues to leverage Yokogawa's products in our projects, delivering innovative and reliable solutions to the oil and gas industry. This solution is expected to significantly reduce downtime and production losses due to scaling issues, reinforcing its reliability and efficiency.

In conclusion, PPM's Multi-Point Scale Inhibitor Injection Package, featuring Yokogawa's Fluidcom valves, stands as a dependable and efficient solution for injecting scale inhibitors into multiple wells. The system not only met rigorous safety standards but also provided precise control over injection rates and pressures, underlining its reliability and effectiveness.

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